Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hey, where did the last two weeks go?

we did actually have a week off in there somewhere, but just catching up on emails about stuff we needed to do seemed to take up all the available time during which we might have blogged.

So, we finished team 2, with only one medical evacuation. We've now finished two houses, and the third is flying up at a rate of knots. We did have a scary moment yesterday, when trying to raise the second of four frames of wooden pillars - the second is the tallest and also the heaviest, and while getting it from nearly horizontal to vertical, a rope slipped and we almost killed everyboody! That's a slight exaggeration, but it is a miracle that the injuries amount to one laceration and one bruised shoulder. (Among the locals, not any of us) Amzing how once you start treating a local guy for a minor laceration, you suddenly have presented to you a cut thumb from four day ago, a kid with a sore throat and a woman with something in her eye.

no time left!


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